1987 Improving New Gb 501 Marketing Strategies F

1987 Improving New Gb 501 Marketing Strategies F

Based on (Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances)

In at least 250 words, please do the following:

(a) Explain some of the most important concepts related to entry strategy and basic entry decisions.

(b) Describe 1 example of a real-life company that has successfully entered a foreign market.

(c) Describe the type of entry mode the company used, and whether they used a strategic alliance.


The literature does not reach consensus in relation to management decisions constituting entry methods, according to Green (1995). The strategy is described as the company’s coherent internal collection of goals and practices and policies and objectives that support the external opportunities and challenges of organizations’ strengths and weaknesses. In other words, the successful approach of a firm is shown when the internal factors of a firm are coordinated with external conditions to produce superior efficiency.

A business judgment on organisation, industry and commodity is formulated prior to the actual introduction of the product in terms of a market entry plan. Market penetration methods are crucial to the life of emerging businesses, since they are on their way of hoping from the outset exclusively because they depart from their targets. Several experiments have demonstrated the probability of firm longevity and stronger outcomes as the successful launch approach is expanded.

Unlike all other variables of policy, entrepreneurs and the structure of business influence efficiency rather than other variables, according to Sandberg and Hofer (1987). Especially relevant is the policy on market entry when it chooses to replace the business economically and in the future. We are very sluggish and continuously entering the market because there is a lot of chance. International business is completely different from domestic business.

(b) Describe 1 example of a real-life company that has successfully entered a foreign market.

Coca-Cola is one of the most famous examples of businesses taking their brand to the world effectively.

(c) Describe the type of entry mode the company used, and whether they used a strategic alliance.

Coca Cola has penetrated the world market with distinct entrance types. Exports, registration and franchising are the most common approaches. Coca cola sells its products to international marketers and businesses, besides selling juices and special syrups. Three types of strategic partnerships exist: joint partnership, the strategic equity alliance, and the strategic non-equity alliance.


Green Donna H./Barclay, Donald W./Ryans, Adrian B. (1995), Entry Strategy and Long-Term Performance: Conceptualization and Empirical Examination, in: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59, pp. 1-16.

Sandberg, William R./Hofer, Charles W. (1987), Improving New Venture Performance: The Role of Strategy, Industry Structure, and the Entrepreneur, in: Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 2, pp. 5-28.


I’ll post this one later 🙂