2 Page Report about my 5 Strengths 1. Learner,2 Includer, 3 Achiever, 4. Responsibility/ 5. Developer From Clifton Strengths Finders

2 Page Report about my 5 Strengths 1. Learner,2 Includer, 3 Achiever, 4. Responsibility/ 5. Developer  From Clifton Strengths Finders. 

Rewrite the paper to sound interesting and logical with meaning.  Us the Gallup Strengths Finder  Summary report to 
write about the result done on John Booker in 2022. Also us the book Strengths Quest authors: Donald O. Clifton; Edward Anderson
& Laurie for site and resource. Also can use outside resources.   Us the Rubric writing to write the paper. Rearrange the paper
to fit into the person that is a great leader. Follow the instructions to the letter: Self-Assessments:

In this module, students havetwo assessments to complete. The Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment andLeadership BRAND assessment.  Assessment results will be used for thismodule’s assignments. 

Assessment #1: Clifton StrengthsFinder – Submit your results from the assessment to D2L assignment along with a shortdescription (about 5 sentences each) of how you currently use each strength orhow you can tap into the strengths that you may not use. 

Both assessment results shouldbe used in developing your Leadership Talk.