

 The 30-60-90 Paper:

Analysis of Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close



For this assignment, you will write a 900-1200 word (3-4 page) paper analyzing a theme from Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close


You will look at that theme from at least three different locations in the text, and each must be 30 at least pages apart (hence the title, 30-60-90).  You can force the connection by choosing evidence from 30-60-90 intervals exactly, or you can choose details from at least 30 pages apart.


The goal is to examine how the theme develops, or becomes more nuanced, over the course of the novel.  You may use more than three quotations to build your argument, but you must use at least three.


Examples of a thesis statement with evidence:

·       In Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, the smearing of written words represents the possibility that we can understand each other even when language fails, precisely because we know that sometimes language fails.

*“I don’t speak. I’m sorry” (31)

*“On one cheek it said YES backwards (180)

* The narrative begins to overlap and smear…  (281)


Your paper will have the following components:


            Title:  A strong, detailed, academic title

Introduction:  Introduce the theme/idea, and include a well-defined thesis.

Analysis of quotations (the body paragraphs, the bulk of paper):  Discuss quotations to make your argument, and be sure to use MLA in-text citation.  Connect your analysis back to your thesis.

            Conclusion:  Not a dull repetition of paper, but a concise take-away message for

your reader. Include suggestions for further analysis.

Works Cited List: Use MLA formatting.

Grammar & Clarity:  Your paper will be carefully revised to render all grammar standard, all wordings clear and academic in tone, and all arguments thoughtfully constructed and handled.