Africa dance

Movement (R)evolution Africa

I had lots of prompts written up as I watched this first half of this film. But as I finished it, I found my prompts were not helpful to a true reflection. The assignment will be simple. Read chapter 18 (really read it), then watch the film, and reflect in at least 800 words. The complexity of this art form, movement in the simplest terms, is unpacked.

This might sound daunting. I know it’s easier to watch the film listening for the answers to my prompts. So here are some things to think about as you watch: 

• What is NEW information to you? What about this film have you never experienced? It is dance in general? Is it African people and their ideas? Is it the French language or reading subtitles? 
• How does this film make you feel? Elated? Uncomfortable? Awestruck? Sad? Hopeful? These are all things I felt throughout viewing, btw.
• How does the textbook help you unpack what is
• Use Formal writing technique, you will be graded on grammar and syntax.

Avoid the following words: “like,” really,” “very,” “good,” “bad,” “big,” “small,” “you,” “your.” There are many wonderful words in the English language; enjoy using precise language.

• When citing the video, be sure to take note of the time mark.

Example: At the 13:00 mark in Lascaux: The Prehistory of Art, the narrator discusses the Chamber of Felines.

• Be sure to properly use quotation marks, and utilize a time mark.

Example: The narrator says (13:30), “There is a bison, a cross, three lines, and three pairs of aligned spots.”