Paper parameters and rules:
Word count: 1000 words, with a 10% Dutch high school exam rule (meaning I accept essays that are either 10% over or 10% under the required word count). I will deduct points from any deviations beyond the 10% rule.
I prefer a 12-point Times New Roman font and double space.
You must use at least two primary sources that we discussed in this class, but preferably more. The use of secondary sources, e.g., the Taylor book, is encouraged as well but does not count towards primary sources. Be sure to use clear citations for your claims and do not find your own sources unless they are cleared for use by the instructor.
Handing in the think piece:
The think piece should be handed in on Canvas by February 15, 2022, by 5 PM. Any late submissions will lead to point to deduction.
Prompt: Over the last several weeks, we have discussed at great length the origins of the American Revolution from a variety of perspectives. Based on your reading of the sources, how did the American colonists envision their place within the British Empire (and perhaps the larger Atlantic World) from the 1680s to the early phase of the imperial crisis (circa 1765)? In other words, what formed the foundation for the imperial crisis in the minds of the American colonists who protested British policies? In your answer, be sure to explain if and how these perspectives changed through the history we have discussed so far.