Analyze Approaches to Quality Measurement for Consumers and Providers

The Week 4 Assignment is designed to illustrate how much consumers and providers have in common with respect to achieving quality of care.  This assignment is also designed to provide you, as a manager, with a set of guidelines for evaluating variations in care delivery.  Recognizing this fact is important for a number of reasons which you, in your capacity as an assistant to the director and it is hoped the future director, will document through a PowerPoint presentation for your staff. 

Wennberg (2011, 2019) believed that variation had to be carefully assessed and identified as warranted or unwarranted.  Warranted variation is based on patient-related factors such as the variation in the incidence and prevalence of disease in different geographic areas.  For example, malaria is a disease typically found in the tropics, but it is rare in the United States.  Unwarranted variation is not related to patient differences.  For example, variations in certain surgical procedures, such as hip or knee replacements that cannot be explained through patient differences are a quality concern.  Warranted or unwarranted variation may be classified as:

  • Effective care
  • Preference-sensitive care
  • Supply-sensitive care

To complete this assignment successfully, develop a narrative in which you describe the three categories of care identified by Wennberg.  Discuss the implications of unwarranted variation for each of the categories and your role as an aspiring director.

To illustrate the powerful lessons to be learned from Wenneberg (2011, 2019) and the opportunities for staff involvement, prepare a PowerPoint presentation with voice over in which you discuss the advantages and disadvantages of unwarranted variation for each category and the implications for quality at your facility. Please develop your presentation in the following manner:

  • Explain how the patient experience and patient safety fit into Wennebergs concept of warranted and unwarranted variation.
  • Conclude by stating what the implications of these findings are for you as the assistant and it is hoped, future director.  How will you and your staff apply lessons learned from this presentation?

Hint:  Please remember you are making a professional, thoughtful presentation.  Create attractive meaningful slides that can be read by your audience.  Speaker notes should be included for each slide to clarify and enhance your presentation.  When doing your voice over, speak clearly and slowly.  You may find yourself making this presentation to more than one audience.  This presentation may prove useful as a tool to educate the community, advocacy groups, and providers of care.

Length: 10-12 slides with voice over and speaker notes, excluding the title and reference slides

References: Include a minimum of 4 scholarly resources and two websites from a government or nongovernmental organization emphasizing quality of care.