annotated bibliography drugs & psych

Hi read this carefully please and if you can use google scholar databases that would be great thank you !!!

Students will conduct a literature review on a therapeutic drug, using either the Psychinfo, Pubmed, or Google Scholar databases.

Students should choose a minimum of 5 unique scientific articles from their search to read and summarize. Review papers are acceptable. Students may consider using the drug’s FDA label to answer some of the questions listed below. (which should be freely available and can usually be found via a google search). Students should ensure that access to the full text version of the article is present before choosing it. Students will supply an APA-formatted reference for each article, followed by a summary of the information in the paper. The summary should be long enough to cover the major material in the article but should not exceed 500 words for a given article. Articles should be listed in alphabetical order by the first author’s last name. Quotations from text are not favored in APA style, so students should use their own words when summarizing the articles;  Furthermore, I’m good at catching plagiarism and the consequences are severe (see course syllabus). 

Students should choose one of the following drugs to research: Antidepressants: fluoxetine , duloxetine, esketamine; Antipsychotics: haloperidol, risperidone;  ADHD: methylphenidate,; Narcolepsy: modafinil, Opioid Substance Use Disorder: buprenorphine, naltrexone; Alzheimer’s Disease: donepezil; Parkinson’s Disease: L-DOPA.

In addition to the article summaries, students should explicitly answer the following questions about the therapeutic drug that she studied, using citations from the articles reviewed. Students should use their own words when answering these questions, and should not use long quotations copied from their sources. These answers should be in addition to your article summaries, not buried within them. Additionally, each question should only be answered once.

1)  What are the symptoms of the disease this drug is primarily intended to treat, according to the DSM-V or ICD10?

2) What is the social impact of the primary disease this drug is intended to treat? Students can answer in terms of economic burden, or death toll, if applicable. 

3) What is the drug’s mechanism of action? Asked another way: Describe how the drug alters the activity of the brain to produce its effects at the synaptic level.

4) How effective is this drug at treating the disease in question? Students can answer by describing the proportion of patients that respond to this treatment, the speed with which patients respond, or the average magnitude of the recovery. Students may consider consulting a meta-analysis on the efficacy of the drug in question.

5) What are the major adverse events (side effects) that are associated with this drug?