Arguing/Argument Essay

Arguing Essay
Must have introduction and conclusion, body paragraphs with topic sentences as well as outside sources with supporting information. (At least 5 outside sources) (one source for each paragraph), and a works cited page in the end. The Works Cited must have all of the sources used in the essay. 
MLA Format
Purpose- Your task will be to persuade your readers (the open-minded, well-informed, but skeptical students in this class) that your view of an issue is the correct one, the reasonable one, the fair one.
Topic- preferably about small issues you’ll want to consider the relevance of your argument and its significance to you and your audience.
Can be ANY topic about small issues however please DO NOT use the bottom topics.
For the record, I would like you to avoid the following arguments:
The Internet is making us stupid/lonely/antisocial/bullies
Legalizing Marijuana
Gay Marriage
Cell Phones & Driving
Evolution & Intelligent Design
Animal Testing
First, you’ll want to identify the crucial points to be addressed. Then, decide the best way to approach each component. Use Ethos, Logos,Pathos Logos, 
Logos or reason, means making a clear chain of reasoning from your evidence to your conclusions. You probably want to start by winning the audience over to your side, then provide proof, such as facts, statistics, illustrative anecdotes, and quotations from authorities.
Ethos is the credibility or trustworthiness that you develop with your reader. To be persuasive, you should appear to be rational, sharp, and fair-minded. (Also, write for an intelligent audience.)
Pathos refers to persuasion that uses emotion. Often, this appeal refers to sympathy or pity, when we are made to feel sorry for a person or group of people. But remember that, anger, outrage, patriotism, nostalgia, and fear (fear of people who look, love or pray differently than we do) are also common tactics.
Gather the evidence that you think will be convincing, then present it in a reasonable, logical way. Using both personal experience and empirical evidence may be the most persuasive way to approach your topic. Also, remember that it is always effective to present the opposing argument in order to mount a compelling response.

Credible writers use reliable, objective, authoritative sources to support their ideas, opinions, descriptions, and explanations. In fact, much of the ethos appeal can rely on the sources and information that you provide. 

Must have about 2000 words.