Article review

This assignment is an Article Review.  You are required to look on-line (or in print) for an article that highlights some form of Stress (PTSD, Stress with Seniors, Eating Disorders and their relation to stress, Stress in relation to the global pandemic, stress after injury, college stress, etc.) or a Stress Management Technique (such as Animal Assisted Therapy, Aromatherapy, Feng Shui, Meditation, Journaling, etc.)   The article that you chose does not have to be a research article it can be an article written for the general public and you can use periodicals such as the Wall St. Journal, NY Times, LA Times or magazines such as The New Yorker, Time, Good Housekeeping, etc.  
Your article review will consist of answering the following questions in a 2 page essay of approximately 300 words. Make sure to include in your introductory paragraph the title of the article you chose to review, in what publication or website you located it, and also include the hyper-link to the article in your paper. (Please see examples below.)  
  • What made you choose this particular topic?
  • Were you familiar with this topic before you chose it?
  • Did reading this article change your perspective in some way? If so, how?
  • Is there anything in the article you particularly agreed with? Why?
  • Is there anything in the article you particularly disagreed with? Why?
  • How does the topic of this article relate to your own personal experience?
  • Has reading this article given you insight into your own health and well-being and/or the well-being of others. If so, how? Be specific.
  • How might what you read in this article influence you in the future.