Writing Assignment Three: Choose one of the following:
- Create an original creation myth which is either evolutionary or devolutionary or both. The myth should reflect what you think is good or bad or both about current life and society. This myth should be a minimum of two complete, double spaced pages.
Then, write an explanation of the meaning of your story and how your story fulfills the elements above. In this explanation, you should explain completely and make references to your own story as evidence. Your explanation should be a minimum of two complete, double spaced pages.
- Create an original myth about a journey to the underworld. This story should reflect how difficult or easy it is to get to the underworld, how separated or linked the world of the living is to the world of the dead, whether or not there is a continuous communication between living and dead (via rituals, of course), and whether there is a strong fear of death or little of no fear of death. This myth should be a minimum of two complete, double spaced pages.
Then, write an explanation of the meaning of your story and how your story fulfills the elements above. In this explanation, you should explain completely and make references to your own story as evidence. Your explanation should be a minimum of two complete, double spaced pages.
- Create a love myth which reflects your attitudes and beliefs regarding love between consenting adults (of any gender identification or sexual orientation). Your myth should show in action and/or symbolize what kind of love this is. You may include such typical love story elements as lover’s trials or ordeals and visitations by supernatural forces or beings in order to represent your beliefs and ideas. This myth should be a minimum of two complete, double spaced pages.
Then, write an explanation of the meaning of your story and how your story fulfills the elements above. In this explanation, you should explain completely and make references to your own story as evidence. Your explanation should be a minimum of two complete, double spaced pages.
Note: The story and the explanation will be graded equally, so take the explanation seriously.