assignment 7.2

Based on your  philosophy of nursing assignment written in Week 1, reflect on your initial ideas and thoughts. Revise and update your one-page philosophy of nursing.

For an overview of a philosophy of nursing, read the article, “Articulating Your Philosophy of Nursing.”

This assignment will be evaluated by the completeness of your responses.

down below is a paper from a formal class mate. please use same paper but rewrite to where there is no plaragism thank u —- feed back from when she turned hers in… 

Good information, several spacing/formatting errors. Overall, nice job Gabrielle.

Assignment 7.2: Philosophy of NursingPart 2

 According to McEwen & Wills (2019), there has not been one nursing philosophy that has been able to encompass what nursing is or one that everyone agrees on collectively. This can be due to the fact that individuals have different values, ethics, beliefs, and experiences that have shaped their careers and made them into the nurses they are today (University of St. Augustine, 2021). As a nurse, it is important to be able to articulate a personal philosophy of nursing to understand your core values that guide your nursing practice and promote quality care (Denehy, 2016, p. 1). ConceptsAn example of a nursing philosophy includes, striving to be the best advocate for ones patients, to promote a healthy lifestyle, and prevent further illness and hospitalizations. Nursing is not just about treating a disease or diagnosis but addressing all aspects of a patient’s needs. Nurses are passionate about helping others, providing education, and promoting healthy living. Additionally, nurses hope to make a difference in their communities. Through their clinical experiences and continued learning, they are able to treat patients across their lifespan and building trusting relationships through continuity of care. And three core values or concepts that are essential for nurses to demonstrate in practice are empathy, ethics, and accountability. Empathy entails the ability of the nurse to relate to what the patient or family may be going through. This is essential to truly understanding how the patient is feeling and helps to build a trusting relationship. Moudastsou et al. (2020) state that it has been proven that health professionals with high levels of empathy operate more efficiently as to the fulfillment of their role in eliciting therapeutic change (p. 1). Although there are many barriers, such as time constraints and limited education on the topic, that can prevent nurses from demonstrating empathy, it is important for nurses to find ways to support their patients. This can be done through being aware of ones verbal cues, facial expressions, and body language. EthicsNext, ethics are extremely important to consider when providing patient care. Nurses need to use the seven ethical principles to provide the highest quality and safest care. The principles are justice, beneficence, nonmaleficence, accountability, fidelity, autonomy, and veracity. As previously mentioned, nurses are advocates for their patients and ethical
 principles are utilized and referenced to do what is right. Consulting back to these principles can help guide a nurse in the decision-making process and do what is best for the patient.Accountability Lastly, although accountability can be listed as an ethical principle, it is a concept
 that should be highlighted on its own. Nurses must take accountability for their work and actions. By doing this they can improve the quality of care offered. Nurses have a duty and obligation to provide care. Accountability means committing to perform to the best of ones abilities. This includes committing to themselves and their patients. To do so, nurses must understand and be educated on the best practices and policies,
 so they are able to adequately advocating for patients. They must also take responsibility for their actions and errors. It is crucial to learn from mistakes and take constructive criticism. Nurses work as part of team to upholding responsibilities of their organization. Finally, their actions 
influence other and they should work as a role model (Arkansas State University, 2016). Nursing as a Science or ArtNursing can be portrayed as both a science and an art. McEwen & Wills (2019), explain that nursing is a science, an art, and a practice discipline and involves caring (p. 42). 
Scientific research provides the basis and foundation for nursing care. Science has enabled nurses to describe, rationalize, calculate, predict, and manage different illnesses and diagnoses. (McEwen & Wills, 2019). Nurses use scientific evidence to explain a patients symptoms, come up with a diagnosis, and regulate treatment. However, a nurse may be educated on theory or how science is related to nursing practice but may still lack the art of caring. The art of nursing is related to caring for patients. It involves displaying qualities of care, consideration, compassion, and communication (Vega & Hayes, 2019). Both aspects play an important role in the profession and when exemplified together best practices and quality care are delivered. 
Arkansas State University. (2016, October 12). Accountability in Nursing: A-State Online. Arkansas State University Online.,having%20power%20or%20control%20over%20something.%20More%20.
 McEwen, M., & Wills, E.M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: LippincottWilliams & Wilkins. ISBN-13: 978-1496351203 
Moudatsou, M., Stavropoulou, A., Philalithis, A., & Koukouli, S. (2020, January 30). The Role of Empathy in Health and Social Care Professionals. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 
 University of St. Augustine. (2020, June 8). What Is a Philosophy of Nursing? University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. 
 Vega, H., & Hayes, K. (2019). Blending the art and science of nursing : Nursing2021. LWW.