
What are the main points of the section just covered? Summarize the main concepts that you learned. This does not need to be exhaustive, but should let readers know early on what issues/topics you are focusing on. - What information surprised you? - What information made you feel happy, or sad, or overwhelmed, or confused? Why? - What readings did you enjoy? Why? - What can be done going forward? What action would you like to see taken? We will spend a lot of time in this class “framing out” problems; if applicable, try and propose a solution to solve it!
There are two articles you use.
and file attached. 
Intro – summarize topics covered; narrow down to what topics/information you found most interesting. Body Paragraph(s) – Further discuss the topics/info that you enjoyed; elaborate & expound. This is a good point to bring in specific readings where applicable. Conclusion – Propose a solution if applicable; discuss what you think needs to be done; what does the environmental future look like in regards to this topic?