Blck Social Movement

submit bibliography-Friday February 18 by 11:59 PM 

Please submit your bibliography here with 10 peer review research article in the APA citation style. Make sure you put your citations in alphabetical order. These will be the sources you will use for your paper so you should make sure they will be useful. Reading the abstract will help you determine if they will be good for your paper. Remember that there should not be any newspaper articles, encyclopedias, opinion pieces, documentaries, books, or any other non-peer reviewed research articles. Let me know if you have any questions. Please remove all DOI numbers and Retrieval information.
It should look like this (this is the APA format):
Higbee, J. L., Schultz, J. L., & Goff, E. (2010). Pedagogy of inclusion: Integrated multicultural instructional design. Journal of college Reading and Learning, 41(1), 49-66.
Laird, T. F. N. (2005). College students’ experiences with diversity and their effects on academic self-confidence, social agency, and disposition toward critical thinking. Research in Higher Education, 46(4), 365-387.
Rubin, R. B. (2011). Recruiting, redefining, and recommitting: The quest to increase socioeconomic diversity at Amherst College. Equity & Excellence in Education, 44(4), 512-531.
Strayhorn, T. L., & Johnson, R. M. (2014). Why Are All the White Students Sitting Together in College? Impact of Brown v. Board of Education on Cross-Racial Interactions among Blacks and Whites. The Journal of Negro Education,83(3), 385-399.
Sweet, E. L. and H. Etienne. (2011). Commentary: Diversity in Urban Planning Education and Practice Journal of Planning Education and Research 31(3): 332-339.
Sweet, E. (2018). Cultural Humility: An Open Door for Planners to Locate Themselves and Decolonize Planning Theory, Education, and Practice. E-Journal of Public Affairs, 1-17.
Sweet, E. L., Sanders, R., & Peters, D. M. (2019). Reversing the gaze, insiders out, outsiders in: Stories from the ivory tower and the field. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-14.
Tervalon, M., & Murray-Garcia, J. (1998). Cultural humility versus cultural competence: A critical distinction in defining physician training outcomes in multicultural education. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 9(2), 117-125.
Turner, K. M., Sweet, E. L., & Fornaro, E. (2019). From Ferguson to Charleston and beyond: Talking about race and diversity in the classroom. Communication Teacher, 33(1), 38-44.
Williams-Witherspoon, K (2013) “On SHOT!: a Rationale for Research and Dramas Depicting Violence in the ‘Hood” Theatre Topics. 23(2): 169-183.