This assignment requires you to utilize secondary sources.
Write about how businesses are using cryptocurrencies today and include an in-text table. Focus the paper on one cryptocurrency. A copy/screenshotopy showing you have a presence on a cryptocurrency trading platform must be included as an appendix.
Be sure to cite and document sources using the American Psychological Association (APA) or Modern Language Association (MLA) format. In-text citations and a References (if using APA) or Works Cited (if using MLA) page are expected for this assignment.
- 12 point font
- One inch margins
- Double spaced
- Times New Roman font (in our class, I also allow Arial, which is more commonly used in business today)
- MLA or APA style, determined by the instructor
-In-text citations for everything that is not common knowledge
-Works Cited (MLA) or References (APA) page for all research papers
- Word processed
- At least three sources for research papers to avoid bias (not a college requirement but a common sense one to reduce the chance of bias)
- Submission Turnitin