Case Study: Political Analysis AssignmentInstructions
Organizational Analysis: Defining the Organization Utilizing the PoliticalTheories Lens This portion of the case study assignment will require you to apply the PoliticalTheories lens to your organization. This enables you to make sense of theorganization in a general way before turning to the specific problem within theorganization which you identified in the Problem Proposal Assignment.
Instructions Lens Four: Reviewing the Political Theories [CONGRESS]
Use the following questions to describe, in a summative-narrative fashion,what the power/influence realities of your organization look like. Your summaryis to be 35 pages, include 35 references (this can include your textbook),have a title and reference page, and be formatted according to current APAstyle (first person should not be used). Headings should be used for eachsection of the paper.
1. Who has what power in this organization?(reward, coercive, legitimate, expert, referent) 2. Who has access to agendas, control overinformation, knowledge of procedures, ability to cope with uncertainty, etc.? 3. Describe the power coalitions andalliances affecting your unit.
4. How does your unit attempt to influenceother units and create upward influence in the organization?