ch.3. dissertation


-The required components (and approximate length guidelines) of Chapter 3 include:

  • Introduction (2 pages)
  • Research Design and Methodology (3-5 pages)
  • Population and Sample (less than one page)
  • Materials/Instrumentation (2 pages)
  • Operational Definitions of Variables (less than 1 page)
  • Data Collection and Analysis (2 pages)
  • Assumptions/Limitations/Delimitations (2 pages)
  • Ethical Assurances (1 page)
  • Summary (1 page)
I added a sample document about chapter. 3 dissertation.  you may add recent 2020 to present scholar references about pros and cons of online banking, online banking and the future, etc..  I added ch. 2 (two different one) and my dissertaiton. I have to keep making changes on it. but you have an idea of what Iam trying to prove: pros and cons of online banking for our futuristic world. Is it postiive?