child and youth studies

Please note there are two different parts and two different deadlines:

PART A: DUE FEB 12 600 words
using only the readings provided answer: As future educators/practitioners, you hear a lot of talk about how to increase diversity and inclusion. In your future work settings (e.g., classroom), how would you suggest increasing engagement and motivation in young people, to help them find opportunities to do good and be good in the world?
 tie in something from one of these three recent readings: Blanchet-Cohen & Torres, Raby et al., or Homan. (For example, Blanchet-Cohen & Torres talk about citizen engagement from a very young age. 

PART B: DUE FEB 13 200 words
reply to a classmate (will be made available upon completion of part A)

Readings below:

Enhancing Citizen Engagement at the Municipal Level: Youths Perspectives only page 391-404