Provided an Abstract (a summary of the entire paper, written in APA style). The Abstract is to be written in past tense. It is typically written last. |
5 points |
Introduction: Provided background information on your chosen, approved topic, according to professional counseling research and literature |
5 points |
Provided a synthesis of research and/or literature on a minimum of three evidence-based practices (therapies) utilized in counseling children and/or adolescence as related to your topic. Included at least 3 sources from research and/or literature for each evidence-based practice. |
20 points |
Provided an exploration of the effectiveness and limitations of each evidence-based practice in relation to children and/or adolescents. |
5 points |
Provided a section on the implications of your research findings for counselors who provide services to children and/or adolescents. How could the information you gathered for this paper on evidence-based practices impact Counselors? |
5 points |
Conclusion: Provided a summary of the entire paper. Synthesized all of the information you gathered into a brief, yet concise summary. |
5 points |
Followed the requirements for writing papers (see course syllabus) and APA writing style guidelines. Utilized, cited, and referenced a minimum of 6 sources from professional counseling research and/or literature. |