Coding Practices

Best Coding Practices


You have been promoted as the manager of the e-commerce site for the company you made up in Assignment 1. You are concerned about the recent SQL attack. Your team reacted to the situation by notifying you immediately. You and your team were successful in containing and correcting the issues that allowed the website and database to be compromised by an SQL injection attack.
Knowing that many of the issues can be created by human error, you have decided to evaluate the processes your team uses when they code. As their leader, it is your responsibility to be current on all the best secure coding practices. Your job is to create guidelines for best coding practices, which you will present to your team.


Part I: Write a Memo
Write a 3–5 page report to the CEO and CSO documenting your guidelines based on your findings when you evaluated your company’s processes.
  1. Provide at least three reasons why it is less expensive to build secure software than to correct security issues after a breach.
  2. Outline the objectives and purpose of your company’s "best secure coding practices" and explain how it will influence your division.
  3. Evaluate which method of the secure software development lifecycle will best serve your team, and explain how you plan on implementing your thoughts into your existing processes.
  4. Identify three resources that can be used as "reference material" and act as a beginner’s guide for new employees. Outline the importance of each resource and how each resource can assist new coders.
  5. Go to to locate and use at least four quality sources in this assignment.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Part II: PowerPoint Presentation
Create a PowerPoint presentation for your team in which you:
  1. Outline all the major aspects of the best practice coding guideline, including objectives, purpose, resources, and methodology. Note: Please include your fictional company’s name on each slide of your presentation. Remember, you are planning on using this experience when you take what you have learned out into the real world.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
  • Establish best practices for the development and deployment of secure web applications.
  • List View
(Below 70%)
Needs Improvement
Provide at least three reasons why it is less expensive to build secure software than to correct security issues after a breach.

Did not provide any reasons as to why it is less expensive to build secure software than to correct security issues after a breach.

22.5 (11.25%)
Provided one reason as to why it is less expensive to build secure software than to correct security issues after a breach.

25.5 (12.75%)
Provided two reasons as to why it is less expensive to build secure software than to correct security issues after a breach.

30 (15.00%)
Provided three or more reasons as to why it is less expensive to build secure software than to correct security issues after a breach.
Outline the purpose and objectives of your company’s "best secure coding practices" and explain how it will influence your department.

Did not submit the purpose and objectives of your company’s "best secure coding practices" and did not explain how it will influence your department.

30 (15.00%)
Outlined the purpose of your company’s "best secure coding practices" but did not outline the objectives, and did not explain how it will influence your department.

34 (17.00%)
Outlined the purpose and objectives of your company’s "best secure coding practices" but did not explain how it will influence your department.

40 (20.00%)
Outlined the purpose and objectives of your company’s "best secure coding practices" and explained how it will influence your department.
Evaluate which method of the secure software development lifecycle will best serve your team and explain how you plan on implementing your chosen method into your existing processes.

Did not submit which method of the secure software development lifecycle will best serve your team and did not explain how you plan on implementing your chosen method into your existing processes.

30 (15.00%)
Identified which method of the secure software development lifecycle will best serve your team, but did not explain your evaluation of that method, and did not explain how you plan on implementing your chosen method into your existing processes.

34 (17.00%)
Evaluated which method of the secure software development lifecycle will best serve your team, but did not explain how you plan on implementing your chosen method into your existing processes.

40 (20.00%)
Evaluated which method of the secure software development lifecycle will best serve your team and explained how you plan on implementing your chosen method into your existing processes.
Identify and outline the importance of three resources that can be used as "reference material" and act as a beginner’s guide for new employees, and explain how each resource can assist new coders.

Did not submit three resources and an outline of the importance of these resources that can be used as "reference material" and act as a beginner’s guide for new employees, and did not explain how each resource can assist new coders.

30 (15.00%)
Identified three resources that can be used as "reference material" and act as a beginner’s guide for new employees, but did not outline the importance of each resource and did not explain how each resource can assist new coders.

34 (17.00%)
Identified and outlined the importance of three resources that can be used as "reference material" and act as a beginner’s guide for new employees, but did not explain how each resource can assist new coders.

40 (20.00%)
Identified and outlined the importance of three resources that can be used as "reference material" and act as a beginner’s guide for new employees, and explained how each resource can assist new coders.
Outline all of the major aspects of the best practice coding guideline, (objectives, purpose, resources, and methodology) including the fictional company’s name on each slide of your presentation.

Did not submit all of the major aspects of the best practice coding guideline, (objectives, purpose, resources, and methodology) including the fictional company’s name on each slide of your presentation.

22.5 (11.25%)
Outlined major aspects of the best practice coding guideline, but left off one or more of the following aspects: objectives, purpose, resources or methodology.

25.5 (12.75%)
Outlined all of the major aspects of the best practice coding guideline, (objectives, purpose, resources, and methodology), but did not include the fictional company’s name on each slide of your presentation.

30 (15.00%)
Outlined all of the major aspects of the best practice coding guideline, (objectives, purpose, resources, and methodology) including the fictional company’s name on each slide of your presentation.
Provide four peer-reviewed, academic references.

No references provided.

7.5 (3.75%)
Does not meet the required number of references; some or all references are not peer-reviewed, academic references.

8.5 (4.25%)
Meets the required number of references; some or all references are not peer-reviewed, academic references.

10 (5.00%)
Meets the required number of references; all references are peer-reviewed, academic references.
Clarity, writing mechanics, and formatting requirements.

Writing has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors, fragments, comma splices and run-ons that distract from the message. More than 6 errors present.

7.5 (3.75%)
Writing has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in some places. 5–6 errors present.

8.5 (4.25%)
Writing has spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors that are distracting in a few places; few fragments, comma splices, and run-ons. 3–4 errors present.

10 (5.00%)
Writing has very few spelling, punctuation, and grammatical errors. 0–2 errors