THIS IS AN ESSAY that deals with the concept of race and how we can more effectivelyunderstand it by applying anthropological concepts. First you will explain how geneticinheritance works. Second, you will connect this material to the theory of evolution by naturalselection. Third, you will apply this material to the understanding of human variability and how itexplains what we call race.
-First (following an introduction that only sets up the papersee Organization and PageLength below), provide a brief explanation of genetic inheritance that effectively incorporateseach of the following terms from c. 3, clearly characterizing them and noting the relationshipamong them. You must be specific and detailed enough to convey a general understanding ofthe process of heredity:Genes, Alleles, Chromosomes, Autosomes, Gametes, Meiosis, DNA, Genotype and Phenotype
-Second, drawing from c. 2 and the material from c. 3 above, explain how this process relatesto natural selection. You must explain the relationship between the variability geneticinheritance produces and how natural selection works on it to give rise to species change and,ultimately, speciation (the development of new species)
-Third (preceding a conclusion), drawing from c. 5 on the concept of race and the materialon c. 3 and 2 above, explain how genetic inheritance and natural selection have madehumans look different from each other in the way we call race.