Concert Attendance Report

Required & Graded assignment

  • 1400 words minimum (not include heading, title and citation).
  • Format: Double-space MLA
  • 1 source (I’m preferred it less than 5, 2 is also good)

Content: personal experience during a performance: critique of the performers, composers and works heard, techniques and instrumentation. Aspects of music form, music interpretation, and stylistic authenticity could be addressed. Be as specific and descriptive as possible of the event attended and no general terms/bio facts please.

List of Approved Online Performances  – Concert Attendance Venues. No concert program is needed for this option.

  • Chicago Symphony Orchestra – L. van Beethoven, 9th Symphony:
  • Kirov Theatre Ballet St. Petersburg P. I. Tchaikovsky, Swan Lake:
  • Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Mahler, 5th Symphony:
  • Lawrence Symphony Orchestra and Chorus F. J. Haydn, The Creation:

Background info

  • This is the second Concert attendance report in my Music Appreciation class. The first one was the same requirement, just a different concert ( Reference only, do NOT use this one: YouTube Symphony Orchestra Gala concert, Various:
  • A recommended book for this class: is Understanding Music: Past and Present and I prefer this one as one source
  • Before joining this class, I barely can distinguish musical instruments (I can only tell the types and there are only around 5-7 types for me :D). However, I have almost finished my mini-mester (7 weeks), so I suppose to have pretty much musical knowledge now.
  • I dont know how to play any musical instrument, but I admire the people who can do it and hope I can play the piano soon
  • I am 28, a woman from Vietnam, who moved here for a couple of years. I love to listen to music: pop, ballads, acoustic, Rock, jazz does NOT seem to be my style. I’ve been to some concerts (not much) before when I was still in Vietnam.