NELP 5.2 Program completers understand and demonstrate the capacity to collaboratively engage and cultivate relationships with diverse community members, partners, and other constituencies for the benefit of school improvement and student development. (Criterion B)
NELP 5.2 Task: Candidate drafts a community engagement plan for the school that includes various strategies for reaching out and maintaining contact with a variety of community members. The candidate must complete this task at an elementary school. Be sure to read the rubric!!
Identify your stakeholders and describe them.
Identify one way that you will keep EACH group engaged.
This plan can be completed in a paper style 1 page minimum / 2 page maximum
MEETS EXPECTATIONS: (76-93 points) Student drafted a community engagement plan for the school that includes various strategies for reaching out and maintaining contact with three groups of community members.
EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS: (94-100 points) Student drafted a community engagement plan for the school that includes various strategies for reaching out and maintaining contact with a four or more groups of community member