Corporate Assessment

In your previous two assignments, you selected a company and completed a strategic analysis for it.  Now you will do the same for one of its industry competitors. 

You have already listed the industry competitors in your first assignment.  Select one of those companies and complete a full strategic analysis knowing now what you know about your industry and the competitors present. 

The submission format and guidelines are the same as the previous assignments. 


Please format your submission using the structure below


Executive Summary

Name of Company: 

  1. Brief Introduction & Key Issues
    1. Provide a brief (1-2 paragraphs) introduction of the firm and the most pressing issues from the case.
    2. Provide a brief description or list of corporate products with brief explanations. 
  2. Analysis: There are four parts to this analysis
    1. External analysis (i.e. General Macro Environment, Five Forces)
    2. Internal analysis (i.e. VRIO)
    3. Examination of the firm’s business-level strategy
    4. Examination of the firm’s corporate-level strategy
  3. Strategic Recommendations and Justification
    1. Recommendations should respond to the key issues of the case, and must be specific and actionable. Your recommendations must also be consistent with your analysis.
    2. This time consider the firm’s partnerships and international presence – if any – that makes it competitive.  Describe if there exist any gaps in strategy related to an international strategy. 
    3. This time consider the firm’s financial standing in the industry and generally when making recommendations.