In your Week 6 research paper the focus is on the SWOT matrix, Distinctive Competence, Competitive Advantages, and Key Weaknesses. Reviewing Chapters 5 and 6 of your textbook might be helpful.
To complete this paper use your previous papers from this course (do consider my comments in the gradebook). For the SWOT matrix, you have to follow the format presented on page 173 of your textbook.
In your paper provide a well-written, detailed analysis of:
- SWOT Matrix
- Distinctive Competence and Competitive Advantages
- Key Weaknesses
The format:
- Upload the research paper to Canvas by 6:00 pm each Tuesday. Papers submitted past this time will not be graded.
- Follow the APA style this is a requirement!
- Title page APA style
- Table of the Content page with proper page numbering
- Reference page follow the APA style to cite your references
- Appendices – add when necessary
- Length of a paper 4 pages (excluding Title, Table of Content, References, and Appendices pages), double-spaced
- Page number upper right corner of a page
- Font Times New Romans, 12
- Use subtitles, in the APA format, provided in the Outline of the Final paper for each specific week.
UniCheck Plagiarism Check function is embedded in your assignment. You may submit drafts of your research papers as many times as you would like until you are satisfied with your report score (should be below 10%). NOTE: Each submission should be done in the APA format!!! This will train you to write and submit your Final Paper following the APA style guidelines