Cultural Competency Assignment

Length: 5-6 pages of content, not countingtitle and reference pages.

Assignment: Cultural Competency Action Plan

AssignmentDescription: Usingresearch and readings from the course, as well as additionally scholarlyresearch describe several national and global trends that have increased theneed for cultural competence in schools today. Create an action plan as aneducational leader to help prepare your school for the growing trends.


1.    Identify/describetwo or three national and/or global trends that have increased the need forcultural competence in education.

2.    Asa school and/or instructional leader address how these trends have impactedschools today. (If possible, please focus on a school that you have directknowledge of).

3.    Usedocuments from the school or school district to support the need forimprovement.

4.    Asa school and/or instructional leader create a plan for addressing theseissues.  Consider the following questionswhen creating your plan: What policies or procedures need to be added and/orchanged?  What training for faculty and staffis needed?  What is a realistic timeframefor implementing the plan? 

5.    Whileyou are creating the Action Plan, incorporate a Christian Worldview throughoutthe assignment.

6.    5-6references are required.

7.    Theassignment must adhere to all APA guidelines.