
Community Health Research  Project Assignment


In order to better understand the health needs and practices of various cultures within communities, you will conduct research on a community health issue that commonly affects a particular culture or group, a neighborhood or community, or a particular cultures response to health issues and treatment.


  1. You will identify a culture, group, or neighborhood/community you would like to conduct health research on.  


  1. Select a health issue, need, and/or health behavior or practice pertaining to the culture, group, or neighborhood you chose. For example, there may be a particular health issue that predominantly affects the culture or community you choose (e.g. rock music culture and drugs, men and alcoholism, African Americans and heart disease, rates of child asthma in the Bronx and Harlem, meth addiction in rural America).


  1. Once you have chosen the culture, group, or neighborhood and area of health needs and/or practices that you want to research you should think of at least two questions or myths that you want to address in the research.  


  1. Your summary should include the following information:

a.     Discuss how you feel about the particular health issue after having a chance to look at it more closely.

b.     Do you feel that community health organizations and agencies are addressing the issue effectively?

c.     Did you find anything surprising?

d.     Did you find anything within the culture, group, or neighborhood you researched that you would like to change, or try or adopt into your own lifestyle? Why/why not?


As a result of your research, you will produce a 5 6 page paper summarizing the information you researched about the health needs and practices of the culture, group, or community neighborhood.  

You paper should have an introduction (the theroy/opinion), body (supportive research), the summary/intervention, all related to the same topic..