Differentiated Lesson Plan

Planning lessons differentiated by readiness, interest, and learning profile are the basics of differentiating instruction to student traits.  Differentiating based on student traits assists the learner in multiple ways.  Differentiating instruction by readiness ensures tasks closely align with the understanding and skill level of the learner.  Differentiating instruction by interest utilizes students natural curiosity for a topic.  Lastly, differentiating instruction by learner profile focuses on making the learning accessible and applicable to each student.  

This assignment allows you to practice what you have been reading about in the textbook concerning planning lessons by readiness, interest, and learning profile.  The purpose of this assignment is to find one basic lesson plan and differentiate that lesson plan in three different ways.  You can use a lesson plan from your classroom or find one on the Internet; however, you will take that basic lesson plan and differentiate the lesson plan based on student readiness, student interest, and student profile.  In all the three lessons, you must also determine how to integrate technology!   


Download the Differentiated Lessons Template.  Open the template and review the requirements.  Find a basic lesson plan you plan to utilize for this assignment.  You will need to know the Strand, Topic, Grade Level, Virginia Standard of Learning, the Student/Teacher Actions, and the Learner Product or Assessment.   

Once you have completed this section, you will use this basic lesson and complete the differentiation portion of the template based on readiness, interest, and learner profile.

Lesson One Readiness

For this section of the template, you will provide a background to differentiating based on student readiness.  In addition, you will explain what you need to know about the readiness of the learners for this lesson to be successful.  You will utilize Figure 9.1 in your textbook to assist you in this section.  You will provide technology integration and how this will assist you in your differentiated lesson.  You will justify how you plan to move your learners from dependent to independent learners through the lesson and list out the Teacher/Student Actions for the new differentiated lesson.  Lastly, you will explain the learner product or assessment you will use to assess your students understanding of the concept you covered in your lesson. 

The template provides an explanation for each of these items and the exact structure for how you need to report these items.  Please follow the template. 

Lesson Two Interest

For this section of the template, you will provide a background to differentiating based on student interest.  In addition, you will explain what you need to know about the interest of the learners for this lesson to be successful. You will provide technology integration and how this will assist you in your differentiated lesson.  You will explain student interest strategies and identify at least one of the goals of interest-based instruction your lesson addresses.  In addition, you will list out the Teacher/Student Actions for the new differentiated lesson.  Lastly, you will explain the learner product or assessment you will use to assess your students understanding of the concept you covered in your lesson. 

The template provides an explanation for each of these items and the exact structure for how you need to report these items.  Please follow the template. 

Lesson Three Learning Profile

For this section of the template, you will provide a background to differentiating based on student profile.  In addition, you will explain what you need to know about the learning profile of the student for this lesson to be successful. You will provide technology integration and how this will assist you in your differentiated lesson.  You will explain learning profile strategies your lesson addresses and discuss Figure 11.2.  In addition, you will list out the Teacher/Student Actions for the new differentiated lesson.  Lastly, you will explain the learner product or assessment you will use to assess your students understanding of the concept you covered in your lesson. 

The template provides an explanation for each of these items and the exact structure for how you need to report these items.  Please follow the template. 

Part Four Reflection

For this section of the template, you will respond to five questions aimed to assist you in reflecting on the assignment.  The template provides an explanation for each of these items and the exact structure for how you need to report these items.  Please follow the template.