Discuss two current challenges in health information exchange in your area of nursing practice and discuss two strategies to address these challenges.

Discuss two current challenges in health information exchange in your area of nursing practice and discuss two strategies to address these challenges.
Assignment Guidelines
  1. Post your reflective discussion (400 words minimum not including reference list) by 1159 pm EST Friday. Initial discussion posts should be 2-3 single-spaced paragraphs with correct APA citations of references.
  2. Compose your discussion off line in a word document then copy and paste the paragraphs directly to their discussion post. 
  3. Provide your References at the end of your discussion post in APA format.  
  4. Two (2) scholarly journal or textbook references (not web sites) are required to support your discussion. Find scholarly articles in the UMD Online Library (link on course menu).  
  5. Post a substantive response to another students initial discussion by 1159 pm EST Sunday
  6. On-line discussion should be professional, demonstrate engagement in discussion of issues, and contribute to knowledge understanding. 
  7. See Discussion Assignment Guidelines and Grading Rubric in the Assignment Guidelines folder (on the course menu).