discussion board chapter 2

This week’s topic of our discussion assignment are the constitutions of Texas. Reflect on the readings in Chapter 2 and our in-class discussion to answer the following questions:

1.    Explain why is the current Texas Constitution of 1876 created to limit the actions of the Texas government? Think about the historical and political reasons for creating such a limited government that we still have today.

2.    As of 2021, the current Texas Constitution has been amended 515 times. Use this website to answer the following questions about amendments: 

A.    Find the First Amendment to the Texas Constitution. What year was it passed? Explain what was its purpose?

B.    Find the most recent amendment to the Texas Constitution. What year was it passed? Explain what was its purpose?

C.    Look over all of the adopted amendments in 2021 and choose one. What was the purpose of the amendment? Does the amendment reflect a limited government? Why or why not?

*For question 2C, you may search online for explanations of those adopted amendments in 2021 if needed.