Discussion with your classmates is a vital part of learning online. In this course, you will participate in at least one class discussion in each module. Some modules have more than one discussion. These discussions are an imperative portion of the course as they are meant to replicate the discussions that would take place as if we were in a classroom.  

You can find the discussion topics in the modules on the Modules page. You can also find them by clicking the Discussions link in the Course Navigation.

Discussion Parameters

Your posts in the discussion area should exhibit careful thought and logical reasoning and provide evidence for your position. Each post should be at least one well-developed paragraph (approximately 100 words or more). Use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The discussions must be completed by the due dates as stated in the Syllabus.

Replying to Other Students’ Posts & Rules of Netiquette

Please read and reply to the posts of at least two other students for each discussion. Your replies should offer new substantiated ideas or thoughtful questions.

I encourage friendly debate and disagreement, so do not be afraid to speak your mind.  Always be mindful that your opinion is one of many and be respectful and courteous of others. Accepted standards of computer etiquette will be expected in this class. For information about computer etiquette, see the Core Rules of Netiquette (Links to an external site.).

Discussion Rubric (pts equal percentages)



Addresses the Question

Thoroughly addresses all parts of the discussion question.

25 pts

Addresses most aspects of the discussion question.

15 pts

Addresses parts of the discussion question.

10 pts

Fails to address all parts of the discussion question.

0 pts

Substantive Nature of Post

Substantive. Added depth to the overall conversation.

25 pts

Substantive with clear details and examples.

15 pts

Attempts a substantive response but needs more detail.

10 pts

Not substantive.

0 pts

Organization and Clarity

Extremely organized, clear and concise throughout.

25 pts

Organized and clear.

15 pts

Attempts organization, but writing in places is unclear.

10 pts

Lacks organization/ unclear.

0 pts

Mechanics (Spelling and Grammar)

Mechanics reflect careful editing.

25 pts

A couple of errors present, but they do not distract.

15 pts

Mechanical errors distract at times.

10 pts

Mechanical errors throughout.

0 pts

Total Points: 100




100-90 pts

Meets Expectations

89-80 pts

Needs Some Improvement

79-70 pts

Needs Significant Improvement

69 or less pts

Classmate 1 

https://firstliberty.org/news/defacement-of-churches-continues/ (Links to an external site.)

The article attached gives a recent example of iconoclasm taking place within churches.  A few of the attacks presented within the article include vandalizing the property of the building by painting a satanic symbol on the door, decapitating a statue of Christ, and a man crashing his vehicle through the front doors of a Catholic Church.  The article describes the attack on churches as an “all out war on faith”.  While it is not fully clear what the motives are of the individuals responsible for the attacks, this idea suggests that they are trying to prevent individuals from utilizing their right of religious freedom and as a result are damaging their place of meeting. 

clasmmate 2 

The example of iconoclasm that I am going to talk about is, during the Byzantine Empire. These actions of destruction to icons and images in the Byzantine Empire lasted over 100 years. It all started in 726 when the Emperor at the time, Emperor Leo III. He had turned against the use of icons or even having them around, after that he caused for many churches and icons to be removed. There was supposedly two reasons for the removal of these churches one being, that “the emperor sought to integrate Muslims and Jewish population”. The other reason was to prevent monasteries from having more power and more wealth. There a few reasons for such destruction of these churches, but even now days you see similar events. All due to personal beliefs, and not being able to respect others beliefs and culture. 
