Discussion Post


* How could this industry certification benefit you and yourpersonal careergoals? 
* What are2 other resources you can use to prepare for this exam besides the materials provided in this course?
Due Day 7 
Post 2 fifty word replies to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional.
Reply 1 Chad Tolliver:
So what is a Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU) certificate? The Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU) is a certification given once the course is passed to the individuals to recognize their competency and expertise as a professional in security and networking skills. Therefore, the certificate would benefit me personally, due to the fact I’m investing more time in to learning something different to help me achieve my career goals. As for my personal career goals it is showing the organization that I work for that I’m taking the time to educate and better myself to be better for the organization and show them that I want the chance to move up and use my knowledge for the organization. Especially in the organization that I’m in the Certified Secure Computer User would be beneficial, due to the fact it covers the following.
* Identity Theft
* Credit Card Fraud
* Loss of Confidential Information
* Hacking Attacks and Social Engineering
Then for the resources I have seen available to help prepare a student outside of the information learned from this class is the following sites.
1. EC-Council Certification
2. NICCS (National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies)
I myself have thought about taking the certification course through EC-Council Certification. I was wondering if any fellow classmates have completed the Certified Secure Computer User (CSCU) and what was their experience in the process of completing it was.
Reply 2 Justin Maxwell:
The Certified Secure Computer User certification would be beneficial to my career goals, as I am attempting to pursue a career in Information Security. Having this certification would show that I have knowledge of many practices that would be valuable to a business such as, securing Mac and Windows Operating Systems, installation and configuration of antivirus’s, security when using social media and various browsers, how to secure and configure email accounts, securing both Android and IOS devices, cloud server security, setting up secure networks, as well as data recovery and business continuity planning. Along with my knowledge in these topics, I would be able to teach other employees of these principles as well. Adding the CSCU certification to my resume along with others would show that I am a valuable asset. Two other sources for preparing for the exam would be Youtube and goverment website, National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies. Youtube has a wealth of free knowledge from many different content creators, many of these individuals have different methods of instruction which may help those that learn in different ways than reading from a book. The second resource is NICCS goverment website which provides a boot camp for those who are wanting to delve further into studying.