
Write an 800 word review of the documentary Life and Debt. Keep in mind that you have TWO WEEKS to submit this assignment.

If you have an Amazon account, you can rent the video here for $3.99:
The DVD is also available at the WPU library. If you dont have an Amazon account and dont want to get one, thats fine too. Write to me and I will give you an alternate task.

You will be graded on the basis of the following criteria:
(1) Does your review provide evidence that you watched the documentary with attention? (30%)
(2) Does your review provide evidence that you did the assigned readings and understood how the institutions of the international monetary system (such as the IMF) work? (30%)
(3) Does your review show that you have the ability to use the information from the readings in order to analyze the situation in the documentary? (30%)
(4) Does your review use at least 3 references that are professionally formatted? (10%)