Clearly and accurately identify a problem, whether a business issue or a social issue

Clearly and accurately identify a problem, whether a business issue or a social issue

Clearly and accurately identify a problem, whether a business issue or a social issue. Describe and define the problem. Integrate the use of PICOC (section 2.2, table 2.1). ( Attached in power point )

Then, in your search for a solution to the problem, find evidence from each of the following sources: practitioners, stakeholders, organization/internal data, and scientific literature. Provide a summary and sourcing for evidence from each of those groups. Be thorough, and avoid cherry-picking sources to come to a foregone conclusion. If there are conflicting pieces of evidence within groups, be sure to note and explain that. (Use APA formatting for references and citations. If you need help check out this link:

Use the flowchart 2.2 and create a model reflecting your work. Do not worry about the more detailed flow chart–for this assignment, I am only expecting you to develop the simple model reflected in 2.2.

After you have done your background research, then provide at least three possible solutions. For each solution, you must 1) describe the costs and benefits of each solution and 2) identify how likely it is that each solution would be successful. Use that information to tell me what the best solution is.

the problem is ( how to increase loyalty of employees to an organization )


Answer preview  Clearly and accurately identify a problem, whether a business issue or a social issue

Clearly and accurately identify a problem whether a business issue or a social issue


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