Summary of the contextual factors present in the pre-Christian era

Summary of the contextual factors present in the pre-Christian era

Paper instructions:
Double spaced no more than eight pages, no need for footnotes, and a bibliography. This paper is your reflection and should reflect your
(2 pages) Summary of the contextual factors present in the pre-Christian
era including the Greek, Roman, and Jewish backgrounds.
(4 pages) Analysis and interpretation of the main leaders, events, ideas,
conflicts, and challenges faced by the earliest Christians and how they
adapted to their first-century context. Some examples include answering
questions like what factors (cultural, political, economic, regional, etc…)
most shaped the experience and evolution of these earliest Christian
communities? What did these Christians do well? What could they have
done differently?
(2pages) Reflection on how the experience of these Christians might
mirror that of our own time today and what tools or takeaways you have
from your study of this period in the history of the Christian movement.

Answer preview Summary of the contextual factors present in the pre-Christian eraSummary of the contextual factors present in the pre-Christian era



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