For this assignment, you will write an e-mail to your future self. You will open this e-mail on your graduation day, once you have achieved your academic goals.

For this assignment, you will write an e-mail to your future self. You will open this e-mail on your graduation day, once you have achieved your academic goals.

Email to future self

For this assignment, you will write an e-mail to your future self. You will open this e-mail on your graduation day, once you have achieved your academic goals. The e-mail to your future self must contain the information below.

Why did you choose CSU?

What is your biggest motivation for completing your degree?

Reflect upon how you felt when you first began this course. What were your initial fears?

What are some of the learning strategies that you adopted to achieve your goals?

What plan have you established to help balance all of your academic and personal obligations? Summarize how the plan managed your goals and priorities.

Who is included in your support system?

What is the best advice that you could share with future students?

What are your plans for when you complete your degree?

What are your strategies for career success once you complete your degree?

Successful people are often lif

elong learners. What strategies

learned from this course will you apply to future learning opportunities?

Answer preview For this assignment, you will write an e-mail to your future self. You will open this e-mail on your graduation day, once you have achieved your academic goals.

For this assignment you will write an e-mail to your future self. You will open this e-mail on your graduation day once you


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