What is the difference between a caste society and a class society?

What is the difference between a caste society and a class society?

Chapter 7 homework
1. What is the difference between a caste society and a class society? Give evidence for the U.S being either caste or class society. Describe fully your sociological argument on why.

2. Define achieved status. Cite explicit examples from Capitalism: A Love Story to argue for class as an achieved status. Define ascribed status. Cite an example from Capitalism: A Love Story to argue for class as an ascribed status.

3. Make an argument of how the system of capitalism affects the social outcomes of different classes of people. Make an argument of how the system of capitalism affects the agencies of different classes of people. (Hint: This is your structure vs agency argument). Use explicit examples from Capitalism: A Love Story to support your argument.

4. Remember that an ideology is a system of ideas that drives behavior. We live in a country with an economic system of capitalism. Describe how the ideology of meritocracy and economic system of capitalism are linked. Do we have a meritocratic society? Use explicit examples from Capitalism: A Love Story to support your argument.

5. What is redlining? How has redlining contributed to the wealth gap in non-whites? What other social locations and outcomes does redlining affect besides wealth and housing and why? (For instance, education is one social outcome that redlining effects)

6. Think of the chain of redlining I described in my lecture. If you wanted to disrupt the cycle of redlining, what part of the chain would you disrupt, and why? Make sure you describe carefully an understanding of social reproduction of class inequality and why disrupting the chain at that point would produce different social outcomes.

No paper format, 600 words in total not including the questions,

Lifjqnk to love story http://watchdocumentaries.com/capitalism-a-love-story/

Answer preview what is the difference between a caste society and a class society?

What is the difference between a caste society and a class society


606 words