Students will work individually to examine a case study regarding sustainable resources.

Students will work individually to examine a case study regarding sustainable resources.

Deforestation in southeast asia
Students will work individually to examine a case study regarding sustainable resources. The case study will be assigned or approved by the instructor. The student will reflect on the specific case study about a controversial environmental facility, process, existing or planned, impinging on environmental sustainability, and present a factual argument agreeing or disagreeing with the case study. Some of the areas to discuss include: the overuse of land or water resources, pollution, mitigation, effects on the environment, and any concerns affecting sustainability of a resource. References should include scientific studies, any environmental impact statement, and independent third-party sources. The student must include a thesis statement, discuss the background of the case, concessions, and refutations, and provide a solution, or future considerations. The research paper must include core concepts from the course. The body of the case study should be 5-7 pages in APA format. The case study will be due in Modufstle 5 / Week 5.


Answer preview students will work individually to examine a case study regarding sustainable resources.

Students will work individually to examine a case study regarding sustainable resources.


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