Choose a film or novel with which you are very familiar – it can be any kind of movie or book.

Choose a film or novel with which you are very familiar – it can be any kind of movie or book.

Choose a film or novel with which you are very familiar – it can be any kind of movie or book. Apply the 12 Steps of the Hero’s Journey to your selection; remember, not all elements will show up in your chosen work, so not all blocks will necessarily be filled out. However, there should be enough to show the three main stages in your analysis. You can do this in a Word file and then copy and paste, or directly in your thread.

Here are some other strong examples of films and novels that make use of the Hero’s Journey:

Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone (book or film)

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (book or film)

Star Wars (film)

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (film)

Braveheart (film)

Twilight Saga (book or film)

Finding Nemo (film)

Inside Out (the new Pixar film) or almost any Disney or Pixar film, for that matter


The Old Man and the Sea (book)

Moses, Samson, Jesus Christ (book)

Answer preview Choose a film or novel with which you are very familiar – it can be any kind of movie or book.

Choose a film or novel with which you are very familiar – it can be any kind of movie or book.


633 words