The government regulates business in many ways. Businesses must get permission to operate in the form of licensing

The government regulates business in many ways. Businesses must get permission to operate in the form of licensing

. As Rice (2018) notes, “the boundaries that formerly separated not-for-profit and for-profit organizations have blurred, leading to a greater exchange of ideas between the sectors” (p. 14). Choose a not-for-profit organization that operates in your community or in your career field. Next, choose a for-profit business that provides a similar service. Compare and contrast the mission of both organizations. How does each organization use resources to achieve its goal? Do the organizations benefit from any exchange of ideas?


Rice University (2018) Introduction to Business. Retrieved fromĀ

2. The government regulates business in many ways. Businesses must get permission to operate in the form of licensing and state and federal agencies work to provide protections.

Search in the Chamberlain library for “role of government” and one of the following protections.

Consumer protection

Employee protection

Environmental protection

Investor protection

Choose an article that you find from your search. Summarize the article and discuss its implications.

Answer preview The government regulates business in many ways. Businesses must get permission to operate in the form of licensing

The government regulates business in many ways. Businesses must get permission to operate in the form of licensing


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