Identify the main concept (a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population)

Identify the main concept (a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population)

Create a concept map showing the relationship of health disparities, ethical considerations, and human rights for a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population. You will also identify at least one human rights group/organization that would assist with this population or condition. Your concept map should:

Identify the main concept (a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population)

Describe the supporting subtopics of:

Health disparities impacting the population globally

Ethical considerations (at least three)

Human rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (at least three)

Human rights group or organization that would assist with this population or condition (at least one)

Answer preview Identify the main concept (a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population)

Identify the main concept (a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population)


392 words