The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art

The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art

Based on video.) – Watch/listen to: – Read: Matthias Röhrig Assunção, Capoeira: The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art (New York: Routledge, 2005), 1-3, 9-14, 20-22.
Comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts. Responses must add something to what was said, challenge an idea, or pose an additional question. If it is relevant to your response, include citations in parenthetical form to specific quotes or paraphrases in the reading. – this is a comment from someone about my paper, can you please response it:
classmate number 1 question: One thing you could have delved into further here is the changes in capoeira’s regulation between about 1808, when it first showed up in police records, and 1889, when it became so important to government officials (Assunção, 9-10). Why might have efforts to suppress it grown and changed so much across that time period? What else is going on in Brazil’s history during those years that might intersect with broader fears about capoeira and the kinds of people who practiced it?
Also–were those ages of the people who practice capoeira mentioned in the video?? I have definitely seen young children practic.
– classmate 2 (this is his work can you make up a question/comments for his work?
Video- There are many sorts of ideas, values and feelings that are expressed in the circle of Capoeira said in the video such as; “knowledge and practice are socialized and expertise is learned and applied, limits and inventions are tested, where the elders are revered and new chance and movements are improvised”. It revealed its importance to the Afro Brazilian and Afro decedent heritage.The practice embraces its values and respect for cultural diversity, it continues to fight for equal treatment. However, some practitioners view Capoeira as a form of resistance because its practice promotes cultural diversity and combats racism.It expresses its form of resistance before and after slavery and the values of African cultural heritage which was once criminalized during a period in Brazil.

Reading-The attempts to regulate capoeira in Brazil from 1820-1900 varied throughout the years. Brazil elites had tried to make Brazil follow liberal political and judicial action. During the 1820s-1830s Brazil had tried to criminalize cultural practices like capoeira. Capoeira which was considered as a cultural practice did not follow the guidelines with the “Criminal Code of the Empire (1830).” The only regulations they had for capoeira were from the local police which made capoeira seem dangerous. During the early 19th century, Capoeira was still considered dangerous but even scholars had talked about Capoeira like Joaquim Maria who stated that “the main reason capoeira’s sliced up other peoples’ stomachs was the ‘eroticism of publicity’ and suggested therefore that newspapers should stop writing about them.”(Assuncao, 10) They basically tried to tell newspapers and media to stop writing about capoeira to regulate it.Later on, in 1889 which had after became the proclamation of the republic had opened more political views on capoeira and had become an even bigger issue than before. Which later in 1890, it was put into the Criminal Code of the Republic and it became regulated by law.

Capoeira was seen as detrimental to Brazil by state authorities because of how it represented the lower class and African slaves. The state authorities believed that it made Brazil’s lower-class thrive. Over the years capoeira was not regulated that well because Brazilian elites could not put a ban on a cultural practice which was a dance. Until 1890 when it was put into the Criminal Code of the Republic. The fact tha

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The History of an Afro-Brazilian Martial Art


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