Using the business memorandum guide provide in the second reading assignment, develop a document header and titles for the required sections.

Using the business memorandum guide provide in the second reading assignment, develop a document header and titles for the required sections.

For this pre-writing assignment, students will demonstrate an understanding of the problem and develop key elements of the writing assignment. Follow the instructions for organizing your document; Standardizing the assignment in this way will make it easier to complete peer reviews on each others’ work.

Step 1: Developing Document Layout and Memorandum Header Elements

Using the business memorandum guide provide in the second reading assignment, develop a document header and titles for the required sections. Complete the header content by reading the problem described below.

Step 2: Problem Definition

Answer the questions below. Put the answers in your document as a second appendix.

What problem you have been asked to address? This is not a statistics question, therefore the answer is not about performing a certain calculation.

What is the objective or outcome this work should produce? Again, this is not a statistics question, and will not be answered with a statistical approach. (Refer to the answer to question 1 and 2 when writing your thesis statement.)

What statistical approach will you use to address this problem? AND Why does this approach provide you insight into addressing the problem? What does it let you know about the problem that can inform a decision?

Who you have been asked to address this memorandum to?

What are each of the addressees is likely to need from reading the memorandum? (This is a critical thinking exercise, ask yourself what the addressees’ responsibilities are and use that to think about what they need to know from you. If you are not familiar with these corporate roles look up descriptions of each. There are links to a description for each in the problem description below. )

Answer preview Using the business memorandum guide provide in the second reading assignment, develop a document header and titles for the required sections.

Using the business memorandum guide provide in the second reading assignment, develop a document header and titles for the required sections.


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