Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH on different types of organization

Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH on different types of organization

topic 1

Not all organizations are impacted the same by regulations. Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH on different types of organization, from normal businesses to hospitals, emergency care clinics, health therapy and rehabilitation services, insurance companies, clinical care, research facilities, pharmaceuticals manufacturers and retailers, adoption agencies, and child protective services. How are these impacts the same in how information controls affect them? How are they different?


topic 2

Discuss what role encryption can play in safeguarding information for an organization? In addition to benefits, consider the costs of such approaches and their real effectiveness. What problems can encryption prevent? What problems can encryption not resolve?

Answer preview  Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH on different types of organization

Discuss the impact of HIPAA and HITECH on different types of organization


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