Philosophy of the Human Person by James Reichmann only to be used with Chapter 13 from this text, where Aristotle talks on the Soul.

Philosophy of the Human Person by James Reichmann only to be used with Chapter 13 from this text, where Aristotle talks on the Soul.

Project description
The following are the sources to be used for the thesis paper. Source #1) Philosophy of the Human Person by James Reichmann only to be used with Chapter 13 from this text, where Aristotle talks on the Soul. Source #2) Greek Philosophy Thales to Aristotle 3rd edition by Reginald Allen points taken only from Chapter XVIII of this text in which Aristotle focuses on the soul.
Source #3) Classics of Western Philosophy the Seventh Edition edited by Steven Cahn use only the section of Aristotle on the Soul which incorporates Book I, Book II, Book III
Source #4) Essays on Aristotle’s DeAnima Edited by Martha Nussbaum & Amelie Oksenberg Rorty only to use Chapter 6 of this work from Clarendon Paperbacks which entails Aristotle’s conception of the soul chapter 6 written by Frede.
The intent of the paper is to provide a general single page overview Introduction of the paper and the arguments in which Aristotle presents to the Immortality of the soul and the arguments Aristotle presents to the ethical notion of the soul. The paper is to have 3 to 4 pages as the body entailing these arguments to prove his notion of the soul in the philosophical view point. The paper is to use specific quotes taken from the texts noted above and they are to be cited in accordance with the MLA format. The last page of this 6 page paper is to have a firm conclusion showing the reasoning put forth in the presentation of the arguments for the essence of soul and how it is immortal and how it is meaningful in virtue, etc. The paper is to be written well and NOT Plagerized except for certain citations which are to be accurate and noted only from the sources listed above.

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