Ballad of the Landlord by Langston Hughes explores a situation where one person, the tenant or renter, explains his basic concerns about the condition of his apartment.

Ballad of the Landlord by Langston Hughes explores a situation where one person, the tenant or renter, explains his basic concerns about the condition of his apartment.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.
“Ballad of the Landlord”

“Ballad of the Landlord” by Langston Hughes explores a situation where one person, the tenant or renter, explains his basic concerns about the condition of his apartment. Think about these questions: What does he want done about the situation? Do you think his complaints are legitimate? How is he treated later in the poem? Do you think his treatment is fair? Why do you think this situation occurred? What do you think is a main idea or theme of this poem?

Answer preview Ballad of the Landlord by Langston Hughes explores a situation where one person, the tenant or renter, explains his basic concerns about the condition of his apartment.

Ballad of the Landlord by Langston Hughes explores a situation where one person the tenant or renter explains his basic concerns about the condition of his apartment.


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