Explain the ways in which ideology can control people’s behavior

Explain the ways in which ideology can control people’s behavior

Function of Ideologies

1. Explain the ways in which ideology can control people’s behavior, and describe what function ideologies serve in general.

respond to these two students 5-7 sentences.

1. According to Chapter 3, “Power and Ideology”, an ideology is a combined system of ideas or beliefs that offers society and its members a guide for evaluating “rightness” and “wrongness” in their ways of life. Ideologies affect perception, what people may see around them. For example, some ideologies may highlight the importance of individual freedoms, while others prioritize the need for groups, like: communities and/or political parties. Ideologies justify a way of life. Ideologies provide normative standards to determine “rightness” and “wrongness” and have a moral component. Ideologies provide motivation for social and political act, by giving their supporters a reason to act to improve world conditions. Ideologies can have people change to a particular social or political movement and provoke them to action.

Source:“Chapter 3” Power & Society: an Introduction to the Social Sciences, by Brigid C. Harrison, Cengage Learning, 2017, pp. 43–44.

2. Ideology, a integrated system of ideas or beliefs that rationalize and justifies the exercise of power, influencing how power is exercise. There are many ways in which ideology can control people’s behavior. Ideology influence people to perceive things as they would like others to perceive things. Influence people to rationalize or justify based off others opinion. Stating what is normal and abnormal. Persuasion for political and social motives.

The function of ideologies serve as a label. It basically puts a label on everything. What is normal, or abnormal? What is right or what is wrong? Class struggle, such as economic level, lower class, middle class, or upper class. Are you liberal, moderate, or conservative. Ideology forces you to take the most populated stance to avoid the isolation of society.

In my opinion ideology is responsible for bullying and violence. The thought of fitting in is overwhelming and normalize way too much, Especially seeing how everyone is unique in there own way. No one should be labeled.

“Chapter 3” Power & Society: an Introduction to the Social Sciences, by Brigid C. Harrison, Cengage Learning, 2017, pp. 43–44.

Various Ideologies

2. Explain the ideologies of classical liberalism, modern liberalism, conservatism, communism, socialism, and facism, and describe how they compare and contrast with each other.

respond to these two students 5-7 sentences.

1. Political ideology provides a framework for thinking about politics, about policy issues, and about how active a role government should have in society. The ideologies of classical liberalism, modern liberalism, conservatism, communism, socialism, and facism can be described as the political ideology. Classical liberalism, ideology that is attacked the established power of hereditary aristocracy and asserted the dignity, worth, and freedom of the individuals, can relate to conservatism, doubts the ability of the governmental planners to solve society’s problems. Socialism, public ownership of the means of production, distribution and services, relates to classical liberalism and conservatism. Classical liberalism, conservatism, and socialism believes society has a greater chance of resolving their issues oppose to historic power, governmental planners, and not possessing collective ownership. In contrast, modern liberalism, accepts governmental power a positive force in freeing people from poverty, ignorance, discrimination, and sickness. Communism, calls for the evolutionary democratic replacement of the private enterprise system with government ownership of industry. Communism and modern liberalism share many comparisons, unlike fascism, an ideology that asserts the supremacy of a nation or race over the interest of individuals groups, and other social institutions. Fascism ideology indicates the needs of the people does not has much importance and the supremacy only matters in their eyes. In all cases of the political ideology the government, society, and importance of each play a role in the framework for thinking about politics and about policy issues.

Answer preview  Explain the ways in which ideology can control people’s behavior

Explain the ways in which ideology can control people's behavior


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