Compare the different readings in Exodus

Compare the different readings in Exodus

1. , Compare the different readings in ‘Exodus:,7, 11-12, 14’ (source 2.2). How are they similar? How are they different? How do these passages provide evidence for the Hebrew’s belief that they were the Chosen People?

2. How does ‘The Cyrus Cylinder’ (source 2.6) compare with other texts on peace and justice in Mesopotamia? (Think Assyrians and Hammurabi)

3. In ‘1 Kings: 6-8’ (source 2.4) why are the people and their priests advised to worship God and follow his very specific directions?

4. What qualities of Jonah in the ‘Book of Jonah’ (source 2.5) make him a profit?

5. In ‘The Cyrus Cylinder’ (source 2.6) how and why did Cyrus incorporate local deities into his public image after subjugating Babylon?


Answer preview Compare the different readings in Exodus

Compare the different readings in Exodus


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