Do you think groupthink is dangerous, or necessary and inevitable in the case you found? Why so?

Do you think groupthink is dangerous, or necessary and inevitable in the case you found? Why so?

Article Review Assignment 3
The article to be reviewed for this assignment is:
Janis, I. L. (1971). Groupthink. Psychology Today.
You can find and download this article through the link:
Read the article and answer the following questions:
How does Janis (1971) define groupthink?
What are the eight main symptoms of groupthink?
Find a case in today’s political or society in which you think groupthink is manifested in the behavior of a certain group of people. You can use the news or any other source you see fit. Use the 8 symptoms presented by Janis to argue that the behavior of these individuals is guided by groupthink.
Do you think groupthink is dangerous, or necessary and inevitable in the case you found? Why so?

Answer preview Do you think groupthink is dangerous, or necessary and inevitable in the case you found? Why so?

Do you think groupthink is dangerous, or necessary and inevitable in the case you found? Why so?


538 words