Your job is to do your independent search or phone interview

Your job is to do your independent search or phone interview

Purpose of the paper: To help you familiarize yourself, in some depth, with the role, qualifications, and responsibilities of different QI, Safety, Regulatory Compliance, or information officers in healthcare.

Your job is to do your independent search or phone interview with one of the following: QI, Safety, Compliance, or information technology professional. Interviewing a professional is optional. You can do a lot of the research online. Please use relevant sources in your search. Follow these guidelines:

Define/explain one of the following professional roles: QI, Safety, Regulatory compliance officer, informatician.

Discuss the following:

Evolution of the role: description, history, guidelines, regulatory compliance needs etc.
Academic and/or clinical requirements for this role

Professional certifications such as 6-sigma, LEAN etc

Typical responsibilities and duties in a clinical area

Potential impact of this professional on the quality of care

Recommendation for future healthcare


Use APA format. Use proper grammar and formatting. Use headings for different sections.

Use at least 3 recent references. The textbook can be one of them.

3-4 pages plus title and references

Due date: See submission folder for details.

See attached rubric and paper format

You can also use this book if you have access to

Textbook:Kelly, P., Vottero, B. A., & Christie-McAuliffe, C. A. (2018). Introduction to quality and safety education for nurses: Core competencies. Second Edition. New York, NY: Springer. ISBN: 978-0-8261-2341-1. E-book ISBN: 978-0-8261-2385-5.

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Your job is to do your independent search or phone interviewAPA

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