Your purpose/audience for this project is to convince a boss or group of peers to accept and support your research project. 

Your purpose/audience for this project is to convince a boss or group of peers to accept and support your research project.

You will be writing a 2 page proposal for a research project.

Your proposal should include the following:

A captivating title

Research questions – what questions do you plan to answer in your research?

Your purpose in completing this research/answering questions

A description of the conversation so far (look at your annotations. How are people treating this topic
currently? What are the conversations and conflicts scholars, or experts are having?)

Your methods. How do you plan to approach this research project? Where will you get your material?
How will you formulate your thesis?

Your purpose/audience for this project is to convince a boss or group of peers to accept and
support your research project. Consider who your boss or peers could be in this situation. How
are you going to convince them that your research is worth while?

Answer preview Your purpose/audience for this project is to convince a boss or group of peers to accept and support your research project.

Your purpose/audience for this project is to convince a boss or group of peers to accept and support your research project. 


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